Go Behind the Scenes of Storybook Christmas at Parkdale Elementary
In late December, we stopped by our Waco ISD Adopt-A-School Partner, Parkdale Elementary, to give books to students on behalf of the Waco Tribune-Herald’s Storybook Christmas Program. Here’s a fun, behind-the-scenes look at our morning on the Parkdale campus.
Joe & Bryan Preview the 2019 Saturday Evening Post Calendars
For the last few decades, we’ve had a tradition at Central National Bank of providing Saturday Evening Post wall calendars to customers for the upcoming year.
Silver Farrar visits with CNB’s Peggy Kellough & Ashley Brooks
Silver Farrar, host of The Silver Show for Parkbench.com/Waco, recently stopped by our Highway 84 banking center to visit with CNB’s Peggy Kellough and Ashley Brooks.
Our Favorite Santa Meltdown Moments from Christmas at CNB
We love to see children’s eyes light up when they see Santa. It’s probably our favorite thing about Christmas at CNB, an annual six-day event we host at our Highway 84 location, where families and children can come to have their picture taken with Santa. Some of the pictures are magical.