Mitchell Horner started his banking career at Central National Bank over two decades ago, and we are excited to welcome him back to CNB as Executive Vice President and Commercial Lender.

In Mitchell’s first few weeks with the bank, he’s been getting to know a lot of new names and faces. As part of his introduction to the CNB family, we asked him to share some of his story in this brief interview. We hope you enjoy getting to know Mitchell Horner.

Mitchell, where is your hometown? What brought you to Waco?
I was born and raised in McLean, Virginia (10 minutes outside of Washington, D.C.). I graduated from Langley High School (we shared forests with the headquarters of the CIA) in 1997. I started my freshman year at Baylor University in July of 1997, and I’ve been in Texas ever since.

Tell us about your family.
My parents, grandparents and great-grandparents were born in Waco. My great-grandfather, Arthur Mitchell (I was named after him), worked for Bird-Kultgen Ford for 50+ years.

I am a fourth-generation Baylor graduate, and my wife is a third-generation Baylor graduate. The first person my grandmother met at Baylor was the grandmother of my wife. I did not meet my eventual wife until July of 1998 (her freshman year). Our grandparents had been friends for over 50 years before we met at Baylor. It’s a crazy and wonderful story. We have 3 kiddos – Karoline (12th grade), Samuel (9th grade), and Rhoads (7th grade). We have a yellow lab named Ellie.

Why did you decide to come back to Central National Bank?

  • People – I’ve known several directors, leaders, and employees at CNB for a long time. Bill Nesbitt gave me my first job in banking. It is a great story. I was very close to my wife’s aunt, Jeanne P. Nowlin.  She was heavily involved with Women’s Athletics at Baylor and knew just about everyone in Waco. I tried to find a banking job my senior year at Baylor. I walked my resume to eight different banks in Waco with no luck. I called Jeanne on my way home and asked if she knew anyone in banking. She called me back in five minutes and said, “Okay, buddy. Go see Bill Nesbitt at the Tower. He’s waiting on you.” I was hired after meeting with Bill. I worked for Mark Johnson in the credit department from September 2001 – April 2002.
  • Opportunity – Central National Bank has a wonderful reputation in the banking industry.  I am very excited and proud to introduce my friends and people that I know to everyone at Central National Bank.

What does community banking mean to you?
Community banking is about personal relationships, service to our current and future customers, and building local communities. I’ve always loved helping people in the community. It could be buying a business, constructing a home, or holding deposits. I love every aspect of being a banker in the community of Waco. I am excited to make a positive impact on the communities we serve with everyone at Central National Bank.

What are you looking forward to experiencing at CNB?

  • Customer Service – I am looking forward to providing unbelievable customer service to current and future CNB customers.
  • Twinkies – I am looking forward to passing out Twinkies in the lobby to the kids (and parents) of our customers. (Editor’s Note: CNB arguably has the best snack game in town. We provide Twinkies, Ding-Dongs, and Rice Krispies Treats in our Waco lobbies.)
  • Christmas Party – I went to the 2001 Christmas Party. I remember having a great time. I hear these parties are a blast!
  • Volunteer Work – I’ve already signed up for the park cleanup. I enjoy getting out in the community with co-workers.

We are grateful to have Mitchell Horner back as part of the CNB family. Mitchell offices at the Highway 84 banking center. If you see him out in the lobby, please don’t hesitate to say hello.

By |2024-07-16T09:27:36-05:00May 3rd, 2024|2 Comments

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  1. Molly May 8, 2024 at 3:35 pm - Reply

    We are so glad to have you on our team!!

  2. Judy Horner July 16, 2024 at 12:29 am - Reply

    Hello to my dear nephew! Glad you’re back there. Enjoy working there again. I understand you are very good at what you do. Congratulations!

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