Legal Notice2019-05-01T20:28:34-05:00

A brief note about using the Internet

Most websites on the Internet contain hyperlinks to other sites. We believe that this connectivity of various sources of information makes the Internet a beautiful thing.

We, like most other websites, use hyperlinks to connect our site visitors with supplemental information on external, third-party sites. Central National Bank is not responsible for and has no control over the subject matter, content, information or graphics of these external, third-party sites. If, for some strange reason, you should click on a link from our site and find your way to an odd-looking website, please let us know.

Also, please do not include any sensitive information (i.e. Account Numbers, Social Security Numbers, etc.) in any of your e-mail correspondences with us. Should we need to obtain sensitive information from you, we will ask that you send it to us using one of our electronic forms or via our secure e-mail system.

If you have any concerns or comments regarding this notice, please contact us.